Employment profiles
We are enhancing Staff Times to enable staff specific profiles with terms of employment. This new module enables company administrators to add staff detail pertaining to employment arrangements with the following customizable configuration:
Configuration for Full time employee, part time employee and freelancers
Set up individual working quota and working days with daily plan hours
Set up individual vacation banks and overtime carry overs
Set parameters to qualify for daily & weekly overtime
Assign employee to roles and groups (teams & projects)
Manage and deploy a public holidays calendar
These settings will further simplify managing your staff's individual attendance, overtime and vacation banks including the following benefits:
Your employees record their working day in a timely manner against their personal terms of employment using their own smartphone. All balances are updated automatically.
The administrator can optimally prepare the employee's time logged for transfer to payroll.
Flextime balances, overtime and employee compensation are settled correctly and easily
Enables a running account of your staff's individual performance and balances.
Simple carry over of vacation and overtime balances into the new financial year.
We expect to launch this feature in March 2019. If you would like to know more and sign up for the free trial please email us at hello@stafftimes.com. Our valued customers have received a news update via email and will be contacted again in advance of the launch.