Configuring part-time employees (floating method)

Explaining standard and floating method for part-time employment
Written by Dan Gubler
Updated 1 year ago

For part-time employees, Staff Times reduces the weekly working time according to the level of employment. The quota calculations assume a standard working week of five days (5 days = 100% quota).

As an example we'll assume a staff member with a 60% employment level (quota) on a weekly working hours basis of 40.00 hours where a three day working week has been agreed for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays as working days. The Monday and Friday are considered as work-free off-days.

Choose from two methods 

At Staff Times, there are basically two ways to set up work weeks for your part-time employees. Let's explore the two models.

Method A: "Assign daily plan time to agreed working days" (Fixed working days model)

In this model, the plan time (standard attendance time) is assigned to specifically agreed working days, so configured for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as working days only. The Monday and Friday are not set up with any plan time as these are considered work-free. This results in the following setup:

Please note: if the paid public holiday should fall on a non-working day (like Monday or Friday) that day can not be compensated with this model. Therefore, such years when public holidays fall on the employee's off-days may not be favorable from an employee's perspective.  

Method B: "Plan time assigned over five working days" (Floating working days)

In this model, the weekly planned working hours are spread over five working days (Monday to Friday) based on the quota of employment. In our example, the 60% quota corresponds to a 24 hour week with 4h 48min plan hours per day. 

Take note of the effect of this equal distribution on the flextime balance as shown on the following illustration:

The advantage of this model is that it enables your staff to work on variable days as the equal distribution of plan hours provides a consistent basis for the calculation of the flextime balance on a daily and weekly level. This has the additional advantage that all public holidays are granted to employees according to their quota of employment regardless of which weekday they occur on. 

Setting up your staff terms of employment

Go to the "Manage Users" menu and create a terms of employment for your user. Click on 'Add employee'.

On the second screen "Employment terms", please select job type as "Part time" and enter the start of the employment period to which this quota applies, as follows:

These explained part-time methods can be set up in the following section 'Working week setting', as follows:

Method A: "Assign daily plan time to agreed working days" 

Update the employment quota in % and remove the check marks from the non-working days as illustrated:

Method B:  "Plan time assigned over five working days

Leave the check marks on all five working days as shown:

Annual leave allotment (Vacation entitlement)

The basis of the annual leave calculation is the 364-day rule. If the quota of employment is reduced to 60%, the vacation allotment in section "Vacation setting" will be adjusted on that basis. As an example, let's assume a standard vacation allotment basis of 20 days applies to this staff. Let's assume the employee goes on a vacation trip from Monday to Friday.

For the two methods, Staff Times applies the following:

Method A: "Assign daily plan time to agreed working days" 

The standard annual allotment is reduced according to the degree of employment. The allotment is rounded up to the nearest half day. In our example, the employee is assigned a leave entitlement of 12 days for 60% employment. In the Vacation Setting section it looks like this:

Accordingly, your staff should only submit a vacation request on the three specific working days.

Method B: "Plan time assigned over five working days"

The annual leave is basically equal to a full-time employee's annual leave because the reduced quota was distributed over a full five-day working week (100%). As a result, the employee is assigned a leave entitlement of 20 days. In the Vacation Setting section it looks like this:

According to this model, your staff should submit a vacation request for all five days. If no vacation is submitted for Monday or Friday, the plan hours will be debited resulting in a negative daily balance for those days. 

Adjusting the vacation bank

If the default calculated vacation allotment needs adjusting, for example, to include carry-over days from the legacy system or for other reasons, this can be recorded using the setting "Adjustment leave". After saving, a log of the last changed values is created (audit trail). To query this, please click on the staff name from the list view, page to 'Employment terms' and scroll to the bottom. See image:

Changing the terms of employment (Updating the working week)

Once saved, the working week configuration cannot be changed (read-only). This means that subsequent changes to the working week configuration can only be done by expiring the current term and adding a new period. Examples of such adjustments may be a change of working days or quota of employment. To do this, the current term of employment for that user must be expired. Click on the staff name from the list view to check these available buttons as shown:

By adding a new period this ensures that any change in the terms of employment transfers the open balances to the new period and restricts edits on the expired period.

Part-time on an hourly wage basis 

If your staff member is hired on an hourly basis and therefore no daily plan time calculations are required, and no vacation management is required, we recommend you set the tracking type to 'Basic'. This tracking type allows for basic time reporting without the extras required for permanent staff. 

Any questions ? We will be happy to answer any questions. Please contact us through the in-App messenger or the phone numbers given.

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