At year-end it's time for the carry-over job

A guide to the required annual carryover transaction
Written by Dan Gubler
Updated 1 year ago

Towards the end of your fiscal year, which based on your financial year-end parameter may be the 31/12 (or 31/3, or other), you will receive a reminder to conduct the carry over transaction. As part of this process, for employees with full and part-time tracking mode, the expiring year's annual leave balance (a.k.a. vacation bank) is closed and an opening balance is carried over to the new fiscal year.

The Carry-over

Immediately after your financial year-end date (based on your account's setting found in menu item Default settings) Staff Times will display a button named Carry-Over next to each active staff member as illustrated below. 

Once Carry-over is clicked this will prompt a pop-up window showing you the leftover number of annual leave days of the expiring year (Leave balance) and the proposed new annual leave for the upcoming year. If you confirm to proceed this will automatically create the new period's starting balance for the new period.

Should your staff have submitted leaves prior to the carry-over these will be shown in above pop-up and deducted from the new year's balance. Your user can view the new annual leave quota and balances in the Vacation bank page of the mobile app "My Time".

The expiring period is archived during the carry-over transaction and therefore no further adjustments can be made to that period. As a result, no retroactive adjustments can be recorded later, so that such adjustments must be allocated to the new term. We therefore ask you to carefully review the vacation report before initiating the carry-over transaction. This report can be exported (see corresponding icons), see illustration below:

For employees without leaves control, ie. for users set up with tracking mode Basic the carry-over process also applies in order to format a new period for the coming term.

Employees with additional annual leave

If you have members whose annual leave is above the standard value defined for your company (check setting under menu item 'Default settings'), e.g. additional leave relating to service years or seniority, the additional leave can be granted by adding an adjustment after the carry-over has been transacted. Go to menu item Manage users, click the user name and navigate to page Terms and add the additional days in section Vacation settings, as shown below:

If the employee is entitled to an additional quota, e.g. based on age, management level or service years, the adjustment in days value can be selected in the element Adjustment leave as displayed above. For example, if an additional 5 days of vacation are granted for an employee (e.g. annual leave of 25 days instead of the standard leave of 20 days), a value of 5.0 days can be selected in the element Adjustment leave. The result will update the element Remaining Balance which equates to total balance within the vacation bank. To save your adjustment, please confirm the following pages (click on the blue button in the lower area of that page).

The Vacation Setting section can be used for further adjustments during the course of the reporting year when required.

Location Profiles

As an alternative to making individual adjustments for each employee (as explained above) you may find it easier to use a specific location profile with annual leave values suited to a group of employees. This would facilitate the carry-over process when higher annual leave entitlement applies to an employee based on their management level, seniority or local standards in different locations. Find out more about managing location profiles.

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