The following was released with update v1.38 on February 1, 2025:
- Timesheet check-in sounds and vibration effect (Settings page)
- QR code reader (option to Install QR code on-site)
- Timer 'Widget' for Android devices
- Bug fix Android: Timesheet remarks with voice command in other languages than English
The following was released with update v1.37 on October 22, 2024:
- NEW: Timer widget for Apple iOS
- Calendar style picker highlighting missed inputs (red dates)
- Various minor optimizations
The following was released with update v1.36 on July 5th for Android and on July 25th for iOS:
- NEW: Timer in the notification bar (Android)
Try out this new feature found in the Settings page. - Optimizations:
- My absences: hint when it is a public holiday with reduced daily plan hrs
- Additional language added: Portuguese
- Profile page: Location profile information
- Hide team level selection
- Enable short absences to be added on half-day public holidays
- Allow leave submission for date ranges for part-time profiles
- Provision of work schedules support the new Planning feature
The following was released on March 19 with update v1.35:
- My absences: public holidays are included in addition to leave
- Submit an absence: narrative and images/docs can now be added to your leave
- Submit an absence: Date range button relocated and optimized
- Default app language setting based on assigned location profile
The following was released on Nov. 3rd with update v1.34:
- Holiday quota and balance: added additional line for absences submitted in new period (annual carryover relevance)
- Background and profile image picker improved (iOS). Try it out!
- Default activated 7-day check to remind for missing timesheets
- Font size optimization for tablets and iPads
The following was released on Oct. 4th with update v1.33:
- Users configured as type Basic included for monitoring of rest time
- Fixed Detail Report Invalid date occurrences (Desktop reports)
- Date fields will display date style based on device setting (UK, US, etc. formats)
- various minor optimizations
The following was released on Aug 18th with update v1.32:
- A bug has crept in when updating the working hours of a previous month. An incorrect working time is shown in the timesheet. Workaround; if you need to edit or enter a time entry for July or older, please use the My Time Desktop website until the corrective update is ready. Ask your admin to grant you Desktop right.
- New: select app language under Settings. You can switch between five languages.
- New: browse the Daily Activities pages with a swipe. An alternative to paging using navigation arrows
The following was released on Aug 6th with update v1.31:
- Bug fix: time entry end time picker is always set to 00:00 instead of the time of day.
- Bug fix: the app hangs during check-in and check-out.
The following was released on Aug 3rd with update v1.30:
- Fixed timesheet validation bug to enable end time after midnight
The following was released on July 19th with update v1.29:
- New: Check for overlapping time entries when creating timesheet
- New: show an alert for missing timesheets in the weekly view
- New: Work breaks & rest time display in the Daily Activities page and weekly view
- New: Set up a preferred check-in activity name (see under Misc > Settings)
- App update popup reminder bug fixed
- Settings: 7-day popup check optimized
- Favorites: fixed sorting error of saved timesheets
The following was released with update v1.28 of May 3rd:
- New: Export your timesheet to your calendar app. A calendar export icon appears on the individual timesheets in the Daily Activities page. Tap the icon which will open your calendar app. Try it out!
- New: now there is a 7-day check for missing or incomplete timesheets. Go to Settings and activate this feature for an automatic check when you open the app or tap Now.
- The page Weekly balance has been optimized as follows:
- Tap any day of the week and you will be redirected to the Daily Activities page for the corresponding day (a convenient shortcut)- Unfinished timesheets are highlighted with an exclamation mark (!)
- New: the selection list for Activity names now offers a search function. Convenient for users selecting from client names or groups.
The following is included in the v1.27 March 1 update:
New: Add background image to personalize your app. You can find this new feature under Settings on the Miscellaneous page
New: Quickly copy timesheets from the last day. You can find this new feature on the Daily Activites page on empty dates.
The following is included in the v1.26 January 14 iOS/Android update:
New leave type; now you can submit for overtime burn with time-off
date locales supported
time values picker optimized (iOS)
The following is included in the December 23 v1.25 Android update:
New in the leaves dialog: short leaves in hours* & an refresh icon for transferring new absence types
Fixed minor bugs; retro added public holidays deployed as timesheet
Recording of two half-days on the same date is now possible (e.g. half a local holiday and half a day vacation combined)
Reduced latency during check-in/check-out action
Internal code upgrade; update enables new features.
The following will be included in the iOS Apple update v1.24 from Nov 23rd.:
New feature; short leave. The blue button absence option has been enhanced to enable individual hours as an alternative to half-day and full-day absences, e.g. for doctor appointments. This will also be rolled out to Android phones in the next update..
Minor bugs reported from V.1.23 have been fixed.
The following was released with iOS update on Oct 14th;
Bug fix; submitting a single day leave works again
Optimization; recording of two half-days on the same date is now possible (e.g. half a regional holiday and half a day vacation on same day)
Internal code upgrade; update to enable new features.
The following fixes were released with update v1.20-v1.21 on April 21st:
Enables timesheets with negative amounts
User profile with splash screen: upload your profile pic now!
Fixed behavior for half-day public holidays with leave submission
Various minor optimizations
Coming soon:
Option to update wallpaper
Alert about missing time entries
Copy previous day's inputs
The following fixes were released with update v1.19 on Jan 18th:
Fixes adverse behavior of check-in button
Other minor optimizations
The following fixes were released with update v1.18 on Jan 7th:
Fixed occasional syncing error when using the check-in button (green button). When you tap the Check-in button a slight delay occurs to initiate the sync process. We're observing the performance and looking to make this better.
iPhone mini models can now use the navigation bar despite the notch.
The preset minute rounding is now applied also within the Daily Activities view when adding a new timesheet.
The following fixes were released with update v1.16 on Oct 1:
Occasional syncing errors have been reported with the admin center when using the check-in button (green button).
iPhone: the occasional endless wait when using the check-in button (green button).
Minor optimizations (new Save icon replacing 'X')
The following optimizations were released with update v1.15 on Aug 6:
The app is renamed to 'My Time'
New Feature: add notes thru voice commands!
Fixed vacation submission miscalculation for part-time users with half-days
Fixed syncing issue with admin center producing misleading reports
The following optimizations were released with update v1.14 on March 18:
Ability to record work status. The administrator can now set up appropriate activity names.
Change control: enables the tracking of who last updated the timesheet.
Fixed incorrect behavior when taking vacation on a half-day public holiday
Fixed synchronization problem when deleting time entries
Fixed synchronization problem when changing group names
The following were released with update v1.13 on Dec 23, 2020:
NOTE: this update requires you to log in again.
Workflow optimization: enable better transfer of public holidays and the recording of absences for the following year during the transition period of the annual carry-over.
Removal of the vacation bank menu item for users with tracking mode 'Basic'
Optimization of various elements for screen format of tablets.
Fixed issue with attaching photos to profile and timesheet (Android)
The following items were released with update v1.12 on Nov 24, 2020:
Fixed incorrect behavior when locking historical timesheet range.
New menu item 'Vacation bank' under the Miscellaneous menu. In addition, redesigned menu item 'Profile and Terms'.
The following items were released with update v1.11 on Oct 8, 2020:
Intermittent endless waiting (symbol runs endlessly) has been fixed. Find out more here.
Report absence: new date range picker. Find out more here.
Various bug fixes; login updates cache, iOS14 compatibility
The following items were released with update v1.10 on June 15, 2020:
New: add up to 2 photos (jpg) or PDF files to each timesheet. Find out more here
Get a preview of your notes shown on "Daily Activities" page
Bug fix: newly created absences are deployed to app with blank name
Bug fix: iOS app closes unexpectedly when swiping in select Miscellaneous pages
The following items were released with update v1.09 on April 14, 2020:
Weekly balance: Now you can page through the weeks, which allows you to look back on past weeks. Simply tap on the date or use the arrows in the navi bar.
The update of an activity name by the administrator, whether as a new record or the deletion of an existing record, requires the pick list to be refreshed. The list is now automatically refreshed when the app is in the background.
Format error fixed caused when inserting Favorites for the Detail Report.
App now available with Italian locale
The following topics were handled in update v1.08 of March 12, 2020:
Data quality: avoid empty sheets for reporting. Insert a default Activity for new entries.
Made version number (ie. v1.08) visible within app displayed on top right of menu 'Miscellaneous'.
New message delivery service integrated, so that short messages can be delivered directly to the app user. This delivers important messages directly to user.
Activity names in the drop-down picker are listed in alphabetical order.
Avoid adverse behavior when changing user (log out / log in). The cache is cleared.
The option of rounding the time picker values and activating minute increments (5, 10, 15) via the admin center.
App supporting additional languages; Spanish and French implemented. More languages to follow.
Historic releases:
Timesheet/Time log: keep the existing time values if the activity name is updated (v1.07/09-01-20)
Apple iOS: enable time picker in dark mode (v1.07/09-01-20)
Fix intermittent sync problem when in offline mode (v1.07/09-01-20)
Fix intermittent sync problem of updated timesheet with admin center (v1.07/09-01-20)
Fixed rare incidents of inconsistencies of logged time on day view vs. weekly view (v1.06/24-09-19)
Increased notes section and renamed to designation (v1.06/24-09-19)
New alternative time styles (country locale vs dot, industrial decimal vs standard) as per administrator's setting. Please log in again to activate this feature.(v1.06/24-09-19)
Enable compatibility for devices with other language & regional locales (v1.061)
Fixed crash caused when saving Daily Activities to Favorites (v1.05/Sept 24)
Fixed handling of expired trial period (v1.04/Sept 15)
Check-in button: adopt newly assigned activity name/swipe down to refresh
Android requirement for 64-bit compatibility (Android)
Fixed weekly view flat hours retro-added activity (Android)
fixed weekly view balances display bug (v1.03/July 22)
handling of adjustments made in other timezones (v1.02/July 11)
handling of starting & carry-over balances for new users terms setup (v1.02/July 11)
various minor formatting optimized (v1.02/July 11)
Please report your questions and suggestions to Thank you!
Not to forget
If you like the new features, rate us on Google Play or App Store. Your support inspires us to further develop the app!
Check us out on Facebook where we post tips and tricks and details about bugs reported.